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Yes on Prop 35: Protect Access to Care

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California’s health care system is in crisis. In rural and urban communities alike, hospitals are closing and more than 40 have stopped offering labor and delivery services. Emergency rooms are overcrowded and patients often wait months to see a doctor or specialist. And, although care for 15 million children, seniors, disabled and low-income families on Medi-Cal is significantly underfunded, the
state has repeatedly redirected billions of dollars in funding to non-health care purposes.
This November, California voters will have the chance to decide on a historic proposition that will address our most urgent healthcare priorities and expand access to healthcare for all, especially the most vulnerable. SFCHC proudly supports Yes on Prop 35 to protect and expand access to care at specialty care physicians, community health clinics, hospitals, emergency rooms, family planning services and mental health providers. 
Prop 35 will secure ongoing revenue by extending an existing levy on health insurance companies set to expire next year, without raising taxes on individuals. It will dedicate these funds to ensure all Californians have equitable access to healthcare and will prevent the state from redirecting these revenues for non-healthcare purposes.
Yes on Prop 35 will: 
  • Expand access to preventive healthcare for Medi-Cal patients, reducing costly emergency room visits and decreasing wait times for everyone.
  • Improve care for all patients by securing dedicated resources to protect and expand patient access to medical, mental health and specialty care services.
  • Protect existing healthcare funds to keep hospitals, clinics and doctors’ offices open and expand access to care.
  • Secure funding for emergency responders and training programs for healthcare workers and providers.
  • Impose strict accountability by requiring that 99% of revenues go to patient care and an annual independent performance audit be conducted.
Please follow Yes on Prop 35 on Facebook, Instagram and X to share the importance of this initiative with your friends and family and stay tuned for updates. SFCHC will be updating you between now and Election Day, but please visit for more information. 
Stacy T. Geere is founder and principal of The Geere Group. She is also the PR director for San Fernando Community Health Cen Stacy Geere PUBLIC RELATIONS & MARKETING CONSULTANT - Stacy T. Geere is founder and principal of The Geere Group, a full-service public relations and marketing consulting firm. She has over three decades of diverse experience working with clients in the private, public and nonprofit sectors. Stacy has supported high-profile projects in relation to healthcare, environmental sustainability, water and energy conservation, transportation, land use development and other complex issues. Her work has earned both local and national recognition. Stacy has a passion for volunteering her time and leadership to philanthropic causes and is a published book author.

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